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STEM Event at Doncaster New College

Paving the way for future STEM candidates

Some years ago I used to be a science student studying intently at the way our modern world was changing. I recognised the greatness of the field and further progressed my own career into it becoming a STEM ambassador, IT consultant and mentor.

It was a great honour to be able to share my career experience the female students of New Doncaster College on Wednesday, 27th November. I extended my experience and knowledge, and encouraged them to choose a career in Science.

In preparation to my talk, I created a very interactive activity whereby students would think of ideas revolving around their ideal mobile phone functionalities. When it came to the day, I was taken aback by some of the fantastic ideas that were flowing seamlessly in the room. It was quite outstanding that these young girls had innovative and unconventional ideas.

Outstanding ideas included the following:

· Applications that will allow mobile phones to scan information on packages and transform it to audio especially for visual impaired people.

· Mobile phone that charges itself and transfer charges to another phone.

· Mobile phones that senses what is your fridge or store and alert you to order what you need.

· Mobile phone that warms up your hands on those chilly days we experience so often.

· Mobile phones that scan people faces and brings up their bio data or social media pages etc.

I was extremely excited with how wonderful these curious minds worked! I had such a rewarding day soaking in all this interesting information. If any of these ideas manage to land on Apple's desk, just know you saw it first here, on Knowledge Pool, and pay me my copyright!

On the day, I was also joined by a panel of experts in the STEM field. They included; a Lecturer of Biology and Evolution from the University of Sheffield, a light design engineer and a site administrator for a big pharmaceutical company.

My final thoughts and reflection of the day are that STEM careers are the pathway of moving forward in the science field. I would thoroughly recommend pursuing a career in it, especially to girls!

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